Pikaia Lodge
A stay at Pikaia Lodge is “Island Hopping” in luxury. Aves Travels prefers to propose accommodations that give you the feeling of being at one with nature, even when you are staying on the islands. Pikaia Lodge is located on the central island of Santa Cruz in the middle of its own nature reserve where giant turtles migrate freely. You can easily reach lively Puerto Ayora by taxi, but back at the hotel you will find the soothing tranquility and luxury of the lodge.
All rooms at this hotel are very spacious and some even have their own bath outside. For your comfort, everything has been thought of, from a large infinity pool, a fitness room, a spa and a lounge area to a restaurant where a rich breakfast and fantastic meals are served.
The lodge has its own yacht with which you can make excursions to uninhabited islands nearby. You have the opportunity to discover the serene nature of Galápagos while staying in absolute luxury at the hotel. The best of both worlds!
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